Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From my Sent Mail: African Pacific Foundation for Social Equity

From: Andreas Lombardozzi []
Sent: 21 December 2010 07:01 PM
To: Peter Gates; Catriona MacMillan; Niran Jiang
Cc: Peter Archer; Peter Napwatt; Anita Neville; Katena Tsouroulla; Karemie Williams; Gavin Pereira; Brett Inder; Cameron Neil; Dr Dan Etherington; Danny Long; Lee Tan; Michael Spencer; Naomi Radunski; Natalie Lowrey; Nina Howard; Paul Deighton; Robyn Ekstrom; Dr Scott John; Simon Runia; d'Arcy Lunn; Philma Kelegai; Andreas Bruno Lombardozzi; Herman uit de Bosch; John Saki;; Pius Mimpi; Sakiasi Veitogavi;; Ursula Rakova; David Ford; Reception; Allan Scaravetti; Danielle ODonoghue; Gabor X
Subject: African Pacific Foundation for Social Equity

Documents Attached: 

Dear Catriona, Niran and Peter,

Trust you are all well and thank you for your work in the AP Transformation process and, as part of this process, the establishment of the African Pacific Foundation for Social Equity.   Catriona Macmillan, as the representation of the Social Justice movement within AP, Peter Gates, who has taken on the challenge of administrating and advising on the ownership architecture, and Niran Jiang who is assisting African Pacific in guiding the overall process of maintaining a balance cooperative vision within the business community.

To the founding partners of the Pacific Growers Export Partners (PGEP), Herman Uit De Bosch (NL), Pius Mimpi (PNG), Ursula Rakova (ARB), John Saki (SI) and Sakiasi Veitogavi (Fiji).  It is through a partnership born from our mutual vision that we are able to take the next step and move forward in understanding best-practice in terms of creating co-ownership program within our stakeholder network in the Pacific.  The PGEP open source trading platform has created a foundation of autonomy for participating growers and your impact reaches communities from Madang in PNG, through to Suva in Fiji and beyond.  Tankiu tru, hart blo yumi emi stret.

Thank you also to Team AP/Nui, Miroslav Menyhart (AP Operations), David Ford (NuiGeneration), Linda Gaden (Nui Merchandising), Gabor Csiszar (AP Processing), Allan Scarravetti (Nui Chocolate), Danielle O’ Donoghue (NuiChef) and of course Catriona mentioned above.  You have managed to maintain and grow an aspirational social asset; you have brought many at times diverging tasks into harmony, allowing the challenges to be managed in a collaborative and co creative process that stands testimony to your passion and vision. Thank you indeed.

I am grateful for the opportunity to widen our community, to a group of peers which whom we share the guiding principals of ethical, sustainable and fair.  I would like to introduce you to:  Anita Neville, Brett Inder, Cameron Neil, Dr Dan Etherington, Danny Long, D’Arcy Lunn, Gavin Pereira, Karemie Williams, Katena Tsouroulla, Lee Tan, Michael Spencer, Naomi Radunski, Natalie Lowrey, Nina Howard, Paul Deighton, Peter Archer, Peter Napwatt, Philma Kelegai, Robyn Ekstrom, Scott John, Simon Runia.  Many of you have already have already had a strong and meaningful commitment to the process of positive change in the Pacific, some of you are brand new to our AP work, but we have spoken in a unified voice.

I thank you for accepting to be part of building shared understanding and shared agreement in building the AP Foundation for Social Equity.  For me personally, Social Equity is what we have created as a community and which thus should be managed by the community as equal partners.  As much as there lies beauty in this concept, history has shown us it is also has its many challenges. 

I personally know only the what:  That the creation of Social Equity, assets of which at least part of; the profit, the voice and the ownership rests with all, is managed by all, to the benefit of all of the community that has created its value. I know that concept of Social Equity can be one part of the process to break the colonial legacy, the cycle of poverty and the degradation of the human spirit. I also understand that there is no separation among us as a creative species among many.

I personally do not know the how:  Our AP Charter has guided us through corporate life since inception in 1998 and I hope it will continue to assist the Foundation in interpreting the challenges as we move forward.  As the sole member of the Foundation, the minimum expectation  AP has of the Foundation is that it may manage the Nui Equity Fund, from proceeds either independently sourced, or paid from AP Revenue, in an effective, innovative professional, best practice, culturally sensitive and  transparent way, taking guidance from the Charter and the management team as required.  That it may contribute to the AP co-ownership process representing a broad community forum and consensus from across the Pacific region.

The first and only order of business for me is to hand this process from here onwards to Peter, Catriona and Niran as the Foundation seeks three directors and to create an Advisory/Peer/Elders Council.  I offer all of you an 100% transparent experience, in any questions, information, costing or records you may wish to see or have explained in relation to AP.  We all thank you for the faith and courage you have had in this process and look forward to creating sustainable and positive development outcomes in the Pacific and facilitating positive change in our community and beyond.

It remains for me to wish all of you a beautiful solar eclipse, a fantastic festive season….a healthy, wealthy 2011

Vinaka vakalevu

Tankiu tru


- - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - -
andreas b lombardozzi
trader & value chain architect
Nui $1 A Day : Live Fair │ Nui Chef : Live Well │ Nui Spa : Live Beautiful │  
Nui Generation - Live Fair -     Facebook MySpace Twitter Blog
A division of African Pacific Pty Ltd
PO Box 377; 7/21 Tepko Road, Terrey Hills, NSW, 2084, Australia
(t) +61 2 9986 3444; +61 2 9986 3355
(f) +61 2 9986 1911
(text) +61412611877
(skype) drcoconut

Monday, December 20, 2010

Review: Fair@ Square gives early Santa blessings for social innovators.....

A the recent successful Fair@ Square in Melbourne I was lucky to attend the 3.15 pm gig with MC Neil from Fairtrade...Mike Cannon, General manager of the Vic Relief Foodbank,...Nina Howard, Social Enterprise Navigator for The Social Traders and d’Arcy Lunn, Gustralian Activation Manager for the Global Poverty Project.

All four stars in their own right, there was great interaction, stories and heaps of inspiration with MC Neil seeking to tease out the " best of to" in terms of focus when there is so much to do....

Feverishly scribbling....the notes read...
  • one step/piece/part at a time story of a little boy..
  • follow your passion, nothing can be done without enthusiasm...
  • another fish story..the collective quick and intuitive and instantaneous 1000's can move versus a the slower large mass of a whale.. 
  • dig deep..plan well, do not get lost in nothingness...keep your focus..find your niche... 
  • maintain your autonomy in your work...many people have come before you in this ususally takes three generations to effect are not on your own...and as individuals we are only one piece of the puzzle...
but most probably the best for last....its a tough gig...get over resistance...feed success..set milestones...and yes celebrate a victory......

Thank you..much to take from that...good to see the elders give good advice...we are a movement for change...

blessings and a fantastic festive season...



Product Story: Nui live@ MasterChef...

The 10'th of December saw the soft launch of the new Nui Organic Fair Trade Body Bronzer at the MasterChef  Expo in Sydney. 
Wonderfully lead by The Beauty Chef Carla Oates, ably assisted and enjoyed by a great group including Jules, Trish, Dunnzii, Taylor, Zoe, was had by all. 

Thank you to all, including Desta and Madeline from the BFA....looking forward to more in 2011.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reading: Dee Hock - One From Many, Visa and the Rise of the Chaordic Organization,

" The truth is that a corporation, or for that matter, any organization has no reality save in the mind.  It is nothing but a mental construct to which people are drawn in pursuit of common purpose; a conceptual embodiment of a very old, very powerful idea called community."

(pg 93)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Living the dream...

In 1997 I landed in Fiji to sail across the ignited a dream to commercialise my PhD in economics into a practical model of measurably improving the livelihood of growers across the Pacific through an ethical, sustainable and fair trading the model is an A4 map of possibility....and my dream a reality...and an organic economy a possibility...

blessings from Solomon Islands

tankiu tru friends blong PGEP



Thursday, November 25, 2010

From Inbox: Re: PURE HEALTH, Claremont, WA: Query

Hi Sharon,
Thank you for your interest in the Nui range and for your desire for more comprehensive information in regard to the nutritional content of the chocolate. It is so inspiring for me to experience how more and more people are REALLY interested in where their food is coming from and what it contains. 
Your questions have prompted me to look into getting our own beans tested for nutritional quantities as my research has led me to discover that there is a vast difference in values of magnesium from 520mg per hundred grams at the high end to 131mg per 100 grams at the lower end. So at this stage you would be safe to tell your customers that there is at least 131mg per 100g, you could also explain, as I'm sure you're aware, that nutritional contents of naturally grown foods vary constantly due to season, weather conditions, location etc.
Stay tuned to our website and blog for more updates and delicious recipes as we continue to expand our knowledge and share our experiences with our delicious range of functional food products.

Smiles of sunshine
Danielle ODonoghue
Nui Chef :o)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From Inbox: High Customer ranking for Nui Virgin Coconut Oil

Thank you Andreas,
In the last few months, having been on an antiviral diet that is
inclusive of coconut oil/butter many people have given me different brands.... thought you should know... i find yours more medicinally powerful and heaps more delish (which is important when you need to  eat 2 to 4 tbsp per day!!)
Thank you for your dedication, your  integrity and your efforts. Looking forward to consuming more and sharing your brilliant products!!!:)


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thank you Nui!

Dear Andreas & Linda,   

What a success! The Nature Conservation Council’s Annual Conference and 2010 Environmental Awards have taken place and are receiving rave reviews.
On behalf of the NCC, we would like to thank you for your commitment to making this event so successful.  The NCC works closely with other environment groups, local communities, government and business to protect, sustain and conserve NSW's natural environment, and this work is greatly aided by the generosity of donors such as you.
The Nui pack of skin care products was loved by the lucky winner of you beautiful gift. Without this kind contribution to the raffle prizes the Environment Awards would have not been possible so it is greatly appreciated - thank you.   
We are looking forward to working with you again in the future.
Thank you for your support and generosity.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa & Madeleine
Larissa Olenych

Nature Conservation Council of NSW
Level 2, 5 Wilson Street, Newtown 2042
PO Box 137, Newtown 2042

ph:     02 9279 2466
fax:     02 8026 8301

Support our vital work by becoming a 
Voice for Nature. Visit: 

Friday, November 19, 2010

African Pacific - Nui Fair Trade for A Fair Go

Fair Trade what does it mean? For NUI it simply means LIVE FAIR

The FINE Goals of Fair Trade (source: BAFTS) are :

1. To improve the livelihoods and well being of producers by improving market access,strengthening producer organisations, paying a better price and providing continuity in the trading relationship. (There must be evidence of how a company’s trading relationship with the supplier helps build their organisation as well as your own).

2. To promote development opportunities for disadvantaged producers, especially women and indigenous people and to protect children from exploitation in the production process.

3. To raise awareness among consumers of the negative effects on producers of international trade so that they exercise their purchasing power positively.

4. To set an example of partnership in trade through dialogue, transparency and respect.

5. To campaign for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade.

6. To protect human rights by promoting social justice, sound environmental practices and economic security

The FINE goals are a good yard stick for any business to follow. At African Pacific we take fair trade for a fair go very seriously for us real trade is fair trade and we actively support the fair trade movement on every level … The African Pacific Fair Trade Charter Key Issues of Engagement are – Read More here

“African Pacific is a Dedicated Australian Ethical Trading Company, passionate about achieving social and economic empowerment for the People of the South Pacific. Our NUI range forms an integral part of this ideal and we thank you for your active support in making trade fair for all.

Fair Trade

∙ Building long term trading relationships

∙ Encouraging independent Indigenous entrepreneurship

∙ Creating opportunities for working women

∙ Securing brand equity through our Nui certified organic range.

∙ Improving efficencies, capacity and standards through co-management of the supply chain

∙ Paying above fair prices, premiums and dividends

Ethical Community

∙ Fostering sustainability through organic certification, education, socio-economic empowerment

∙ Developing local infrastructure

∙ Protecting and enhancing the health of the consumers as well as suppliers through 100% Natural Ingredients and No Preservatives

Sustainable Environment

∙ Minimizing environmental damage by upholding a pro-active approach to:

1. Reduction in polution and carbon usage

2. Nurturing an environmentally neutral presence

3. Encouraging the recycling of all raw material and re-useable packaging

4. Zero-tolerance approach to product testing on animals

We Encourage - all our customers to support our charter and endorse similar principals. Your purchasing choice offers stability to South Pacific communities.”

All the Nui products we sell have a story to tell …. Here are just a few.

Nui Virgin Coconut Oil is sourced predominantly from Wainiyaku Family Estate in Tavenui Island in Fiji. We have been in Partnership with the Tarte family since 2001 when the started production of organic Virgin Coconut Oil and are presently the largest producer in Fiji. Gary Tarte has this year also won both prices as best Coconut Farmer of the Year in Fiji as well as overall “Best Farmer of the Year”.

Nui Soaps have been beautiful hand-crafted by Ms Lila Wati of Bula Organics in Navua, Fiji. Lila is an Indo-Fijian and has been making soap in Fiji for over a decade and is renown for the knowledge in her trade of soap making and administration in terms of certified organic. African Pacific has invested over $ 40 000 over the past 4 year in a joint venture with Lila Wati and Sakiasi Veitogavi to establish Bula Organics as the premier certified organic processor in Fiji and is in line with the African Pacific Charter to bring value added production to our island partners.

Nui 70% Raw Dark Chocolate is healthy and delightful, the bar has been hand crafted by our local CandyMan Jimi Scaravetti to bring you a nutritious food that has also had a mayor impact to all the cocoa growers in Vanuatu. Since African Pacific entry into cocoa trading in Vanuatu in 2008, there has been a doubling of the bean price on the local market which has created a positive effect on earning to all growers of over $ 500 000,00 in 2009 and we hope to see an increase to around $ 600 000.00 in 2010.

Nui Handwash is hand made on site at our production facility in Terrey Hills, through a process of traditional saponification of Wainiyaku Virgin Coconut Oil, Australian Virgin Olive oil and the expertise of our processing guru Gabor Csizar. The production process forms part of Nui’s IP and has been formulated in such a way to maximize the value of the coconut oil to create an effective return on product for Nui and island partners.


Kind Regards

Linda Gaden


Nui $1 A Day : Live Fair Nui Chef : Live WellNui Spa : Live Beautiful

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

From my inbox: RE: PURE HEALTH, Claremont, WA: Nui Query

Dear Sharon,
Trust you are well.  Thank you for the mail and please excuse the delay in getting back to you.

I will ask Danielle O’Donoghue, our resident Nui Chef to do some research in terms of your most valid questions:
My query is regarding the magnesium content (per 100g or per serve?) of the Raw Dark Chocolate in 70% and 80%.  As I mentioned to you, Claremont is a high income area and people are well educated (there are 7 private schools within 3 kms of my shop!) and savvy so are bound to ask ME lots of questions! 

Regarding our Fair Trade principles, I will ask Linda Gaden, our Nui Sales Coordinator to get back to you with the brief history, present and future in terns of Nui and Fair Trade and with reference to your question;
the current situation regarding fair trade with certain countries you mentioned and regarding the potential for future certification and the quality of the growing conditions for the raw ingredients of the Raw Dark Chocolate bars at the moment for my information.

I thank you again for the email, your passion and knowledge of Wellbeing and look forward to a good relationship and hope we can continue to be of service to you with our Nui Organic LifeStyle Product range.
I have attached a wholesale order form for you to see the full range of our products, but please do continue to use Rener Health or Unique for your orders in WA.

Thank you again

- - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - -
andreas b lombardozzi
trader & value chain architect
Nui $1 A Day : Live Fair │ Nui Chef : Live Well │ Nui Spa : Live Beautiful │  
Nui Generation - Live Fair -     Facebook MySpace Twitter Blog
A division of African Pacific Pty Ltd
PO Box 377; 7/21 Tepko Road, Terrey Hills, NSW, 2084, Australia
(t) +61 2 9986 3444; +61 2 9986 3355
(f) +61 2 9986 1911
(text) +61412611877
(skype) drcoconut

From: Sharon Blackman\
Sent: 08 November 2010 04:04 PM
To: Andreas Lombardozzi
Subject: PURE HEALTH, Claremont, WA: Query

Hello Andreas

It was lovely to speak with you this morning.

As I said, I am a naturopath who is about to open a naturopathic health food store in Claremont, WA (early December). It is currently under construction as it was a vacant site in the shopping centre when I leased it in July.

Just for some background for you, I am only stocking products of the highest quality (and those that I use myself or would use) and, in particular, where I have a respect for, and a good relationship with, the companies involved and the distributors in Australia of those products.

I will be selling everything from Practitioner Only vitamins, minerals and herbs to raw honey, organic superfoods, organic cooking ingredients, certified organic mineral makeup, soy candles and organic skin/body/hair care and household cleaning products - and lots of organic and raw chocolate of course!

My query is regarding the magnesium content (per 100g or per serve?) of the Raw Dark Chocolate in 70% and 80%.  As I mentioned to you, Claremont is a high income area and people are well educated (there are 7 private schools within 3 kms of my shop!) and savvy so are bound to ask ME lots of questions!

I would also be grateful if you would outline for me again, via email, the current situation regarding fair trade with certain countries you mentioned and regarding the potential for future certification and the quality of the growing conditions for the raw ingredients of the Raw Dark Chocolate bars at the moment for my information.

Warm regards

Sharon Lee Blackman
ABN:  65 936 128 009
C/-12 Second Avenue
Tel:    08 9284 7717
Mob:   0419 974 555
Fax:    08 9286 2485


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The African Pacific Daily

Hi Ewriwan (that is everyone in Pacific Pidgin)

trust all is well in the world ..olsem wanem (how are you)

I am an African in the Pacific...I am an Economist ...I am a dedicated Surfer.. 12 years ago, after sailing throughout the Pacific, I started African Pacific, as a business venture focused on positive and sustainable development outcomes. Today, we operate across the Pacific Region, from PNG to Samoa, linking communities and ethical markets internationally, whilst building brand equity for growers with our Nui Organic LifeStyle brand.

The emphasis was to move away from the colonial legacy  that remains deeply entrenched in our thinking, our markets, our trade relation and our perception of entitlement.  It is a move towards a new paradigm, which is underlined by the belief that there is no separation in our world that we are all linked to one universal outcome, ...  that we should expect much more from ourselves and thus be open to create better economic outcomes for all.

I believe the new growth paradigm is one of personal and conscious growth which will allow all of us to be better equipped for a future that will reflect the beauty of the human creative spirit, the planet and the abundance of now.

This journey is every moment  in my life.  Personally, it is a  rewarding story, of people's passion for change, growers aspiration for empowerment and the determination of individuals to make positive change a reality... and which I am inspired to share..

A story of all I see... in my inbox, .. travels, ...brada's mo sista's, colleagues,  friends and foe's...development, economics, business, environment, and fear... my ego and the process to understand better...

Our world in a postcard....tis indeed a beautiful place...hope you can join me, the show must go on...

Vinaka Vakalevu...
