Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welkam 2014: "The Daily Drucker"

Welkam 2014. 

We have talked about it for long enough and now finally it is here.  Past years have been great practice to get all those ambitions and resolutions in place and we all know our own ratio of success in self management, indeed no need to point thyself.

For the past 15 years, I have enjoyed a creative business indulgence in seeking to manifest "some positive & sustainable structural change for farmers in the agribusiness sector", that would lead to a "measurable improvement in the livelihood of farmers and growers" in their respective economy.

In this, it was indeed a pleasure in 2013, to work with all my colleagues launching the world first "agri-superannuation accounts for smallholder growers and farmers" in Vanuatu.  Although still in the pilot phase for 100 coconut farmers it represents an exciting potential for change benefiting growers, private sector and government in Vanuatu and I am very grateful to be part of this initiative.

I have also learnt that good structure can serve a creative mind well, especially in management. In 2012, The Daily Drucker served just this purpose.  Every morning my business mentor and myself discussed "366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done" and we continue to refer back to these insights regularly as we build our "farm-gate services portfolio for growers" in Vanuatu.

So in 2014 I am setting a combined goal, to get closer to making this blog a "Daily" and to share with you the remarkable insights of Peter F Drucker.  Not much is available on the net on his daily insights and so I hope it will serve others as well.  My minimum practice will be to write out the page for the day, a study technique that serve me well in the past. 

I am already a step behind, but the Insight for January 1 is the best and most crucial part for me to start: "Integrity in Leadership" - The spirit of an organization is created from the top"

If you are into management theory and practice...enjoy...if you are into pleasure..."as every human interaction is a management outcome"...  Looking forward to see x/366 for 2014

Bon chance...



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