Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Daily Drucker: April 2 - The Responsible Worker

The responsible worker has a personal commitment to getting results

But there also is the task of building and leading organizations in which every person sees herself as a “manager” and accepts the full burden of what is basically managerial responsibility: responsibility for her own job and the work group, for her contribution to the performance and the results of the entire organization, and for the social tasks of the work community.
            Responsibility, therefore, is both external and internal.  Externally it implies accountability to some persons or body and the accountability for specific performance.  Internally it implies commitment.  The Responsible Worker is a worker who not only is accountable for the specific results but also has an authority to do whatever is necessary to produce these results and, finally, is committed to these as a personal achievement.

ACTION POINT: Are you personally committed to getting results at work, or are you just going through the motions?  Do you lack the authority to produce the results?  Either get it, or look for another job.
Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices
Quoted from The Daily Drucker, pg 104

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