Friday, April 4, 2014

The Daily Drucker: April 4 – Organizations and Individuals

The more the organization grows, the more the individual can grow.

The more the individual in an organization grows as a person, the more the organization can accomplish – this is the insight underlying all out attention to manager development and the advanced manager education today.  The more the organization grows in seriousness and integrity, objectives and competence, the more the scope there is for the individual to grow and to develop as a person.

ACTION POINT: Keep learning.  Take full advantage of your company’s educational benefits.

Landmarks of Tomorrow

Quoted from The Daily Drucker, page 106
George Moli (right) of World Vision Vanuatu, signing on Philip Simon, Coconut Grower from Vimele Village in South Santo.  Through the Nui $1 a Day initiative, Philip is sponsored directly by Zdenka Holman, a Nui customer in Australia, building a relationship via phone and text.  Philip receives a phone, cash out, school fees and is one of the first growers to participate in an Agri-Superannuation initiative for small holder growers. A world first!

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