Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Daily Drucker: April 5 – Picking a Leader

I always ask myself, would I want one of my sons to work under that person?

What would I look for in picking a leader of an institution?  First, I would look at what the candidates have done, what their strengths are.  You can only perform with strength – and what you have done with it?  Second, I would look at the institution and ask: “What is the one immediate key challenge?”  I would try and match the strengths with the needs.

Chairman of the Vanuatu Commodities Marketing Board, during growers consultations for the "Niufala Vision blong VCMB" at Hog Harbor in Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu.  He has been mandated to re-organize the defunct institution into a growers focused, innovative and transparent organization delivering Information, Investment and Agri-Services to the coconut, cocoa and kava growers of Vanuatu.

Then I would look for integrity.  A leader sets an example, especially a strong leader.  He or she is somebody on whom people, especially younger people, in the organization model themselves.  Many years ago I learned from a wise old man, who was the head of a very large, worldwide organization.  He was in his late seventies, famous for putting the right people into the right enterprises, all over the globe.  I asked him:” What do you look for?” And he said: “I always ask myself, would I want one of my sons to work under that person? If he is successful, then young people will imitate him.  Would I want my son to look like this?”  This, I think, is the ultimate question.

ACTION POINT: Next time you hire someone, ask yourself whether you would want your son or daughter to work for him or her.

Managing the Non-Profit-Organization

Quoted from The Daily Drucker, page 107

1 comment:

  1. We all want our children to have a safe and fulfilling work life. The action point of "Next time you hire someone, ask yourself whether you would want your son or daughter to work for him or her.?" is a sound and holistic idea!
    Great leaders in the work place are so effective when they know their business and teach their workers all they need to know to do their jobs well and with good ethics! To have a busy, happy work place is a great satisfaction and what I would hope for all young adults entering into the work force all over the world.
